
SAGDA Championship Show 2018 – Chairman’s Report

On Saturday 24 November 2018 we held the 42nd annual championship show at Goldfields Show Grounds. Our judge for the day was Ms Jackie Mackenzie (RSA), assisted by ring steward Mr Steve McClean. We had a decent entry of 21 Danes with all colours being represented. The scorching weather held just long enough for us to conclude judging – the downpour was most appreciated!

Our generous sponsors ensured that prizes were handsome and the entry bag for all exhibitors also contained a number of gifts. A special thank you to:


  • Rosettes & Sashes
  • Vouchers for BIS, RBPIS and BPIS
  • Vouchers for every 1st place winner in the classes
  • Treat buckets for each first place winner
  • Biscotti packs for 2nd and 3rd places
  • Biscotti packs in the entry bags



Axel’s Pet Products 

  • Lounges for BIS and RBIS
  • Crate bed for BPIS














Best In Show Ch Gaitewai a Falcon Flies of Fairmoor (Beckmann)


Reserve Best in Show Ch Saxony Kiss Kiss JM (McKay)


Best Puppy in Show


Fairmoor Firefly Lane (Beckmann)


Best Veteran in Show


Carlu Eliada of Saxony (McKay/Beukes)
Reserve Best Veteran in Show


Clayvon Pandora of Mervyndane (Porelli)


Child Handler


Maritza Havenga with Ch Saxony Kiss Kiss JM



CC Dog                  Ch Fairmoor League of Legends (Barkhuizen)         RCC Dog               Saxony Joe Tuxedo (McKay)

CC Bitch                Toddington Ptarmigan JM (Harmer)                         RCC Bitch             Fairmoor Call Me Isobella (Erasmus)


Best Neuter                                                                     Mervyndan Rondriaan (Lamprecht)

Christine Lauth Memorial Challenge                        Saxony Joe Tuxedo (McKay)

Breeder’s Challenge                                                       Saxony Great Danes (McKay)


SAGDA Member’s 2018 Awards

Dane of the Year                                                              Vom Danois Mae West (Geldenhuys)

Dane Puppy of the Year                                                 Ch Saxony Kiss Kiss JM (McKay)

Dane Junior of the Year                                                 Ch Saxony Kiss Kiss JM (McKay)

Dane Veteran of the Year                                              Clayvon Pandora of Mervyndane (Porelli)

Dane Baby Puppy of the Year                                      Carlu Hali (Breytenbach)


Some candid photos of the classes…



In closing a massive thank you again to our various sponsors for making this a wonderful day and thank you to the exhibitors for their entries. Here’s to seeing you all again next year!


A thousand thanks to the committee members for all their hard work and efforts – thank you Yolanda, Margie, Thirusha, Barry, Marinda, Wendy, Michelle and Chantel.


Yours in Danes

Shannon McKay

Chairperson: SAGDA

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